Nome Mining Claim Access over ANCSA Lands - 2015

This project was a referral from David Manzer of Alaska Land Status, Inc.  The client owned and operated several placer gold mining claims in the Nome vicinity.  Dave performed a title review of the claims but advised the client to contact R&M for an evaluation of access issues to certain claims that would require travel across ANCSA Corporation lands. This case study was presented at the 2016 Alaska Surveying & Mapping short course titled "Key  to the Highway".  The client permitted release of this report but requested that his name be removed.

Nome Gold Map Title Block

Our task was to investigate the legal access into the client's mining claims along the Cirpple River and Arctic creek locaated on the west side of the Nome - Teller highway and approximately 11 to 15 miless west of Nome.  The location and patent dates for the claims go back to the early 'teens and twenties.  The claims are now surrounded by lands patented to Sitnasuak Native Corporation who would have required an access permit to reach the claims.  Our conclusion was that we believed that a valid existing right to cross the ANCSA lands without permit existed.  However, the usability of each access option would be a question that the client would ultimately have to weigh.  

Date Documents
Research - 17(b) Map
Research - Abandonment
Research - Alaska Road Commission
Research - CLP 
Research - DM - ANCSA Patent
Research DM - BLM Abstracts
Research DM - BLM Historical Index
Research DM - MTP & Notes
Research - DM - Recorder
Research - DM - RS2477
Research DM - T10 & 11S R37W KRM
Research - Historic Maps
Research - Mineral Surveys
Research - Navigability
Research - Navigability - DNR
Research - PLO
Research - Recorder
Research - Township Survey
Research - US Geological Survey
Research - Valid Existing Right