Resources - Title III

Categories Include: ANCSA - Authorities - Aviation TItle - BLM/FHWA Title 23 - Condemnation - Conveyances - Dedication - Descriptions - Disposal - Draninage Damages - Earthquake - Exchange - Federal Aid Highway Acts - Floating Easements - FLPMA Title V - Leases - Legal - Merger of Title - Miscellaneous - Natiional Archives - Omnibus QCD


2007-013 Alaska Native Land Base 

2016.1.21 DNR to DOI Revoke PLOs 

Alaska Native Lands - Case 1990 

ANCSA 1985 Study Part1 

ANCSA 1985 Study Part2 

ANCSA at 35 Delivering on the Promise Proof 10-25-07 

BLM ANCSA Handbook Part1 

BLM ANCSA Handbook Part2 

Contracting Cadastral Surveys BLM 


Federal Ownership of Lands Under ANCSA 

Native Lands 2 

PL 92-203 ANCSA 

Resv to vs subj to SOL Memo 

SB 105 RS 2477 Claims to Allotments & ANCSA Lands 

Surface-Subsurface Estates 

TCC Survey Program 

ANCSA - 14(c)

12.23.11 email Al Brietzman 

12.23.11 email to Keith Jost 

14(c) Gen AK Bar Assoc 3-12-08 


14C Survey & Plat Status Spreadsheet 

1981 AFN-DOT 14c4 MOA 

2011 Example 14c Survey Instructions 

6.9.15 email FW  14(c) row's 


ANCSA 14(c) Handbook Part1 

ANCSA 14(c) Handbook Part2 

ANCSA 14(c) Training 2010 Part1 

ANCSA 14(c) Training 2010 Part2 

ANCSA 14c Survey Guidelines 2013 


Sample ANCSA 14c Survey Instructions 

ANCSA - 14(c) - 14c3 ROW

1995 Shishmaref 14c easement 

1996 Noorvik 14c 

2009 Selawik 14c easement 

ANCSA - 14(c) - 14c Plat Dedications

12.23.11 email to Keith Jost 

2011.12.23 RE  14c Plats 

2012.4.6 Email Discussion Concering 14(c) Roads 

2012.4.9 Email Tribal Transportation Symposium 

2017-1 Minto 14c 

2021.11.6 email to T Sprout 14c dedications 

2021.11.8 email to T Sprout townsite dedications 

3.19.12 email to Cole 

Gamble v Sault Ste Marie - 10 LD 375  

O P Pesman - 52 LD 558 

Selawik 20120228 


ANCSA - 14(c) - CR/Ouzinkie


4.29.15 Eric F 14c RE     discussion 

Pages from 96-14 

Pages from USS 5691 02252015075825 

RE  14c Plats 

RE  Tanacross Roads 

RE  Tribal Transportation Symposium 

ANCSA - 17(b)

081IBLA007 STATE OF ALASKA 5-14-1984 

082IBLA329 STEWART, HERBERT I. 9-7-1984 

167IBLA156 STATE OF ALASKA 10-27-2005 

17(B) Transfer MOU 

17b easements 43 CFR 

17b easement brochure07BLM 

17b Easement Brochure BLM 

17b Klutina Ahtna v Hughes 


43 U.S.C. 1616b2 

Ak Publ Easement Def Fund v Andrus 

ANCSA 17b2 excerpt 

ANCSA Easements 

BLM 17(b) Handbook 

Chickaloon17bFinalMOU signed 

im ak 2007 037 

Manley 17(B) Easement 

MOU-BLM-NPS-USFWS 17(b) Easements 1988 

MOU-BLM-NPS-USFWS 17(b) Easements 1990 

News Article Ak Publ Easement v Andrus 

Pitkas Usfwl 

Usfwl Pitka 17b 

ANCSA - Adverse Possession

3.5.02 SB309 - Adverse Possession 

ANCSA 14(c) Handbook 

ANSCA Amend Westlaw Document 19 14 52 

Indigenous Land Tenure in Alaska 

No Room for Squatters - Alaskas Adverse Possession Law 

Pages from 2.22.07 Beardsley Public Prescriptive Easements 

Pages from 2010.11 Public Land Laws Affecting National Forests in Alaska 

Pages from Alaska Native Lands - Case 1990 

Pages from Highways-2013 

Snook v. Bowers 


1.1.60 - 66' by Use 

11.28.61 ROW Widths 

1953-54 Terr Hwy Eng Report 

4.29.91 Frank Sanford IBLA 

48 USC 321 

8.25.93 Billum IBLA 

Actions Affecting Alaska Lands 4.20.88 

Act of 1947 - Legislative Intent 

Act of April 27, 1904 

Act of April 29 1950 64 stat 94 

Act of January 27, 1905 

Act of January 27, 1905 - Secondary Ref 

Act of June 30, 1932 

Act of May 14, 1906 - 34 Stat. 192 

AS 19.10.015 - 1962 Farmer's Loop Dec 

Ch. 36 SLA 1917 

Ch 299 1898 T&M Sites & 60' Roadway 

Ditches & Canals Patent Reservation 

Federal Airport Act May 13, 1946 

Pioneer Access Road Legislation 

PL 229 Act of July 24, 1947 

PL 86-70 Omnibus Act 

PL 87-852 - October 23, 1962 Easements 

SLA 1953 CH 58 

Status History - Alaskan Roads 

Aviation Title

new IIC 

Rose email TO 5.12.09 

Sponsor Certification for Real Property Acquisition Chicken 

Aviation Title - Orphan Airports

1989.3.6 Chisana 

1991.10.4 NPS to DOTNR - Kantishna 

1997.10.14 Kantishna Arpt MOU 

2003.8.18 ANILCA Easements 

2005.12.8 Airport Titles AGO 

2007.6.18 Kantishna NPIAS 

2007.6.18 Kantishna NPIAS - 2 

2015.5.11 Kantishna Airport Overview 

2021.4.12 email ryan & judy 

2021.4.20 email to Judy re title 

NPS State airports issue paper 

BLM/FHWA Title 23


2.22.02 BLM Mineral Materials Disposal Handbook H-3600-1 

BLM/FHWA Title 23 - 2.27.09 FHWA Federal Land Transfer Manual

2.27.09 Federal Land Transfer Manual 




















BLM/FHWA Title 23 - Alaska

8.30.11 ROW Manual - HED Example 

8.30.11 ROW Manual - HED Process 


BLM/FHWA Title 23 - Other States - Colorado

1996 Colorado MOU 

BLM/FHWA Title 23 - Other States - Montana

2007 Montana Sample HED 

BLM/FHWA Title 23 - Other States - Nevada

2010 Nevada Material Site EA - BLM 

BLM/FHWA Title 23 - Other States - Utah

Utah Example HED 

BLM/FHWA Title 23 - Other States - Wyoming

Wyoming  8.24.07 BLM-FHWA 


Unrecorded Decl of Take DNR 

Unrecorded Decl of Taking 


Alaska Marital Signature Requirements 

Alaska Real Estate Forms 

Alaska Spouse Conveyances 



1.1.83 Eagle River dedication 

10.23.97 Airport Way Dedication 

12.15.97 McGrath Road Green Strips 

3.26.97 McGrath Road Green Strips 

5.17.79 ESRO road 

6.3.98 McGrath Road Green Strips 

6.6.03 McCarty West Subdivision AGO 

7.10.89 Rocky Lake dedications AGO 

9.1.48 California v US 

Blacks Law - Dedication 


Dedication definition 

Dedication notes & citations 

paper streets 

Paper Streets - Chicago Title 

Park - Square - Reserved on Subd Plat Article 

Plat 78-9 Tri Valley Subdivision 

Property Law Common Law Dedication  A Landowners Intent to Dedic 

Safeway, Inc v State, DOTPF 2001 

Safeway v. SOA 

Sample dedication deed 

Sample Roadway Easement dedication 

State v Fairbanks Lodge Moose 1981 

Dedication - BIA

Letter Opinion 1970 No 

MRSC - What is the Nature of a Public Right-of-Way  

Pages from Clark on Surveying & Boundaries 8th Ed-2 

RE Ownership certificates and the term dedicate 

Dedication - Common Law Dedication



9.14.21 SWells Email 

Dedication - Crow Creek Road

7.31.12 Hartman email 

8.14.12 email to Mike H 

Crow Creek Road Ownership 

Raven Mtn. Estates 66-161 - Public 

Dedication - Implied Dedication

9.30.015 email FW  Dedication outside bold line 


forest acres SW0000021 

F F Resubdivision of Forest Acres Subdivision, a Resubdivision of Lots AB, AC, AF, AG, ANDCC 76-6 

Dedication - Ketchikan

Block 2 Lot 2C & 3 S437 

email RE  ROW, or not 

V1-100 (uss437) 

V1-108 - Crop 


2007 - Beating the Bounds 

BLM Specs for Land Descriptoins 

Brady Metes and Bounds 2018 

Property Law - Texas Bankers Assn - 2007 

Yale Law - Forgotten History of Metes & Bounds 

Disposal - Gulkana Wayside 2020

9-22-2020 RW Gulkana River-exhibit all 

9.25.20 email TSprout Gulkana 

Drainage Damages

Badger Road release 

Liability of DOT for runoff damage NCHRP LRD40 

Memo to John F Bennett.signed 

Reasonable Use Rule for Surface Water 

Water runoff Reasonable Use Rule 


Land Slides - White 

The Alaskan Earthquake of 1964 and Some of the Problems in Law Oc 

Earthquake - Valdez

Valdez 50 year building moratorium ADN 

valdez 65-261 b52 p26 


Ahtna Chistochiina Acquisition 

Ahtna Chistochina Vacation 

Federal Aid Highway Acts

72 Stat 885 Federal Aid Highway Act of August 27 1958 Title 23 USC 

email Federal Aid Hwy Acts, 1916 and 1921 

Federal Aid Highway Act of 1916 

Federal Aid Highway Act of 1921 

Federal Aid Highway Act of 1938 

Federal Aid Highway Act of 1944 

Federal Aid Highway Act of 1948 

Federal Aid Highway Act of 1950 

memorandum mar 28 1958 

Sec 17 appropriation of GLO lands Oct 14 1930  - ocr 

Sec 17 P&P memo Mar 1957 - ocr 

text of Federal Aid Highway Act of 1921 - ocr 

text of Federal Highway Act of 1916 - ocr 

Floating Easements


Aquatic Land Boundaries - WA 

CA State Lands v USA 1982 

Migrating Boundaries 

The Accretion Avulsion Puzzle 


ALS-0206-1 Pilot Station 

Glennallen Title V Grant 30 Year 

Pilgrim Hot Springs FLPMA Grant 

Wiseman Access FLPMA Title V 

X-21370 Steese MP 66 


Ground Lease White Paper Final V1.5 w appendix 


2020 SEACC v. SOA MHT 


Boundary Law  The Rule of Monument Control in Washington 


How to Read A Legal Opinion 

Is That a ROW - Elliott 

Legal - JFB Affidavits

Mentasta Road JFB Affidavit 

Simon v. SOA JFB Affidavit 

SOA v. Keener JFB Affidavit 

Merger of Title

1.14.21 Email from Sean Lynch 

2.24.09 Memorandum in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment (final) 

2.5.09 State v OSK Motion for Summ Judgment 

3.27.09 OSK's Reply Opposition 

4.10.09 SOA Reply to Opp Motion 


11.00 Alaska Land Ownership 

1972-3 Grace Lowe Acquisition 


6.11.11 Richardson Allotment Tyone 

7.18.20 Maine man saws neighbors garage 

AKMuniLandManagementHandbook Part1 

AKMuniLandManagementHandbook Part2 

corridor planning report appx c 

Dalton J. James Track 09-004 

FNSB Gilmore Trail Easement 

legal trails access statewide version 

MTP Help 

Paxson Maintenance Station Title 

ROW Title Defense 

Miscellaneous - Ocean Access

Arctic Ocean - LaRocca 

Dalton 1 

DNR Email Arctic Ocean Access 

LaRocca Email Arctic Ocean Access 

Ocean ac 

reeves email 

Miscellaneous - Wrangell - Forest Service

1. TLS 2018-11 2-28-19-W4 Prelim 

10. BLM abstract report 

11. BLM Land Grant E-mail 

12. USS 3709 01262018135626 

13. 1985 Asbuilt Wrangell Zimovia Highway Plan + Profile 

14. SOA ROW Map S-903 

2. ASLS 96-12 Zimovia Hwy 104-1997-97-11 

3. Rock Subd 104-2010-2010-5 

4. Omnibus Act Page 20 

5. Certificate to Plat W-4 TLS 2018-11  

6. Quitclaim 8000014  104-1996-000373-1  

7. SER Patent 1232519 

8. SER Patent 1225975 

9. PLO 842 03122019091037 

email FW  Wrangell Zimovia Hwy, TL 2018-11 

Miscellaneous - Wrangell - Forest Service - R&M

1.19.07 Rob Murphy BPR history in SE 



ASLS 83-11 

Coop Forest Rd Agrmt. Forest & State PJ 52500 

Extract from 2010 Wrangell Comp Plan 


fhwa alaska highway inventory 2000 

Glacier Highway-Draft-ROW Report-January 18 2012-draft-unsigned 

PA 50920118 03182019090008 

TWP C0640S0840E 03182019090323 

wrangell comp plan 2010 lq 

National Archives (NARA)


RE  Family Search Fairbanks BLM Record Group 49 

Omnibus QCD

6.1.66 - Gulkana Airport Omnibus Deed 

Aniak Airport 

Complete Omnibus QCD 

July 1, 1959 Approved Fed Aid System 

July 1, 1959 Draft Fed Aid System 

July 1 1959 Revision to Omnibus Deed Schedule A- for email 

May to BPR General Counsel Enfield MAR 18 1959 


Omnibus & Personal Property 

Omnibus Act 

Omnibus Interest 

Omnibus QCD 

Omnibus QCD 6.30.60 

Omnibus QCD Index 

Omnibus QCD Personal Property 

Schedule A Highways 

Schedule B Impr Real Prop 

Schedule C Unimpr Property 

Talkeetna Airport 9.18.1965 

Omnibus QCD - From DOT CR

Anchorage Omnibus Act QCD Bk 391 Pg 12-190 Historic 

Books and pages of Omnibus Act in each Recording Districts 

email 1 - RE  from BPR Omnibus files 

email 2 - Omnibus route numbers & classifications 

email 3 - RE  from BPR Omnibus files 

Omnibus Act Recording Data 

Omnibus Act Recording Data.xls

Omnibus Conveyance 6-30-1960 BK 296 PG 956 JRD 


Supplemental Omnibus QCD 12-30-1959 BK 45 PG 36 Valdez Rec Dist-as presented 

Supplemental Omnibus QCD 12-30-1959 BK 45 PG 36 Valdez Rec Dist-as recorded 

WILLOW-HATCHER PASS RD.  Request for Opinion Sandberg to AG Kerns i.e. Secondary Class A equals 200' Feeder 

Omnibus QCD - Nature of Interest

2015.7.28 Omnibus Highways - Fee or Easement 

6.16.15 email RE  Fee vs Easement Seward Hwy ROW.07.08.2015 

Omnibus QCD - Nature of Interest - 43 USC 859 Fee Title

1.6.81 Legality of Omnibus QCD 

Act of August 3, 1854 Ch 201 

DOI Patenting of Mining Claims in Wilderness Area 5.22.98 

McNee v. Donahue 12.14.1891 v 

Pages from 4.14.99 Maley Draft Mineral Law 


Omnibus QCD - Nature of Interest - 43 USC 859 Fee Title - Railroad

Brandt Rev. Trust v USA Dec. 2013 


McCormick v. Union Pacific 11.28.00 

Pacific Railroad Act 

Railroad Deeds in Washington State 2001 

Railroad ROW Easements Utilities 4.22.03 

Omnibus QCD - Nature of Interest - Campbell

1.16.14 BC Addendum to Review 

12.20.13 BC Letter to KFT 

BC Letter to KFT 

Commentary Photo Donation to Denali Park Part1 

Commentary Photo Donation to Denali Park Part2 

Commentary Photo Donation to Denali Park Part3 

Commentary Photo Donation to Denali Park Part4 

From Bruce Campbell Addendum 12-12-13 Fee Title to Roads 

Letter to Rachael Shoemake - 4th Part 

Sterling MP 58-79 Summary of Boundary Problems Report FINAL 6-18-2014 

Omnibus QCD - Nature of Interest - Campbell - Review of AGO Opinion

1 - 1.10.14 BC Review Summary 

A - 2.19.93 AGO Opinion 

B - PLOs 

C - 2.24.49 ARC ROW Issues 

D - PL 627 - 6.29.56 

E - Def of Real Property 

F - 8.15.56 ARC Transfer 

G - PL 86-70 6.25.59 Omnibus Act 

H - PLO 1613 

I - EO 10355 

J - PL 85-508 7.7.58 Alaska Admitted 

K - Excerpt Federal Aid 

L - Excerpt Wilderness v. Morton 

M - Omnibus Cover 

Omnibus QCD -  Nature of Interest - Easement Vacation

25ar997 Comm Deed of Vacation 

5.14.10 Signed CDV Tsaina 

Alaska 1995 ROW Manual Vacation of Easements 

deed of vacation 

Deed of Vacation old Nenana HWY 6-6-79 

Recorded CDV 2010-000393-0.jfb 


Vacation Policy 

Omnibus QCD - Nature of Interest - Legal

2.9.89 Requests for Legal Opinions 

5.14.15 AGO Opinions - Div of Elections 

6.21.93 Requests for AGO Opinions 


State Court Subject Matter Jurisdiction 

Omnibus QCD - Nature of Interest - Legal - Seward Highway

6.1.15 email RE  Seward Highway Memo (DOT & DNR interest in ROW) 

Draft Seward Hwy Opinion Review 

Lynch May 2015 draft excerpt fee title Seward Hwy ROW.05.22.2015 

Omnibus QCD - Nature of Interest - Pre-Statehood Docs

1949.12.14 BLM easements 

1949.12.1 Noyes 47 Act easement 

1949.12.5 Puckett Easements 

1949.4.11 Puckett to BLM Easements 

1949.9.9 Puckett to Kadow Easements 

1950.1.26 BLM easements 

1950.1.26 DOI to Bartlett Easements 

1950.10.10 BLM Withdrawal v Easement 

1950.10.24 Alaska Field Staff Easements 

1951.2.7 BLM ROW Program Easements 

1951.3.23 DOI ROW Easements 

1951.4.23 DOI ROW Easements 

Omnibus QCD - Nature of Interest - Reviewed

10.25.85 AGO BLM Underlying Fee 

10.84 Hopewel DOI Solicitor on PLO Easements 

12.15.86 AGO Walton Fee Interest 

12.22.81 BLM Position on State Hwy Ownership 

2.19.93 AGO Nature Of Property Interest 

2013 Highway Paper - Nature of Interest 

23CFR645.205d - Utilities crossing federal lands 

4.25.91 Omnibus Act ROW Interest 

4.8.85 Highways - Fee or Easement 

5.1.91 Turpin to Cole Opinion Request 

5.20.85 AGO McGee Fee Interest 

6.18.84 PLO 1613 & Omnibus Lands 

7.28.82 ROW Reservations in State Patents 

9.13.93 McKinley Park Road Ownership Research Part1 

9.13.93 McKinley Park Road Ownership Research Part2 

Background - PLO 1613 Nature of Interest 

Omnibus QCD - Quigley

Omnibus Act QCD OCR searchable 

Omnibus Act ROW's