Gaston Small Tract Right-of-Way - 2019

The purpose of this report is to assess the status of the public ROW purportedly established under the federal Small Tract Act along the north and west boundaries of Government Lot 18 within Section 23, T1S, R2W FM.  This property is at the end of Supply Road to the northwest of the Fairbanks International Airport and to the southeast of the Chena River.  Where my role is most often to prove the validity of an existing road ROW, in this case the objective was to find evidence that would show that a Small Tract ROW fronting the client's property never came into existence.

Earlier in 2019 I had prepared a presentation for the Alaska Surveying & Mapping Conference titled "Small Tract Rights-of-Way: McCarrey v. Kaylor".  The presentation considered the 2013 Alaska Supreme Court case in which neighbors McCarrey and Kaylor argued over the validity of the ROW reservation in a Small Tract patent.  Where these rights-of-way had in the past been considered express reservations, the Court concluded that they were in fact common law dedications that required evidence of acceptance to be validated.  As Gaston had my report recorded to place others on notice of my conclusions, no client permission was required for publication.

Date Documents
Research - Aerial Photos
Research - BLM
Research - Fairbanks Platting
Research - FNSB
Research - NARA
Research - Recorders
Research - Riverfront Commission
Research - Small Tract Data
Research - Subject Plats
Research - USGS
Title Clearing